3 Underutilized Tips for Better Sales Territory Management

Great sales managers are great at managing the territories under their authority. If you have any doubt about your ability to handle this critical responsibility well, check out some tips from sales territory management training experts who know what it takes.  

Your objective is to intelligently balance performance and potential in alignment with your sales strategy, organizational culture and talent strategy.
  1. Assign territories according to the major strengths of your sales team. For instance, assign those who are good at prospecting to accounts with fewer existing customers; reps good at customer service should have accounts with more existing customers.
  2. Give your reps the critical tools they need. If reps need to cover remote locations, provide whatever technology would help them keep in close touch with their customers.
  3. Set up an effective reporting system. To manage well you need information. Whether weekly or monthly, establish a way for your reps to check in with you on their progress with accounts. If there are problems, you need to know and support whatever change is needed.