5 Simple Steps to Elevate Sales Territory Management

After years in the business of sales territory management training, we have reduced the planning steps for sales managers to five. We call them “simple” because you do not need a degree in rocket science to follow them. You just need to know the territory sales history, a sense of the territory’s potential and an understanding of your rep’s skills and abilities.

  1. Review, analyze and evaluate.
    Look at how the territory has produced in the past, list current customers in terms of their potential for ongoing business, and add future prospects.
  1. Identify customers to target.
    Provide as much information as you can about the working style of clients you know as well as what sales approaches have been most successful.
  1. Set clear goals and plan strategies for territory development.
    The objective is growth. Work with the rep to set reachable goals within the territory and collaborate on devising strategies that drive toward those goals.
  1. Set revenue targets.
    Income targets help you and the rep track progress.
  1. Hold frequent one-on-one reviews.
    This is your opportunity to share your knowledge and experience as a coach. Review progress with your reps regularly so you can support their efforts as needed. This is the way to develop a winning sales team.

Learn more at: http://www.lsaglobal.com/sales-territory-planning-and-management-training/